I was happy and thankful yesterday. I had decided to participate in acupuncture along with my IVF because it is said to help with the success rates. The Acupuncture place is even located in the same office as my RE! So, I made my consultation appointment and was told that the IVF acupuncture costs close to $800. If it helps, it is worth it to me. So, I signed up.
Well- yesterday, I was on the phone with my health insurance about the millions of shots that I have ordered for my IVF treatments. I decided to just ask them about acupuncture. I didn't think they would cover any of it, but guess what!?? They do! I get 20 visits per year! Thank you insurance, and most of all, THANK YOU, GOD! I feel like through this whole process God has shown John and I small victories though each month has ended with BFNs.
I am so hopeful that this procedure will go well. I have learned so much through this experience. Though God's time and my time have not matched up, I know that he has a reason and a plan. A plan that will just blow our minds when it is revealed, because it is not possible for us to see the big pic that God sees.
Sometimes I struggle with not putting all my faith in the docs, meds, and procedures. I look at the stats and reports on IVF, but for what? Does it even matter? This is all just the train, GOD is the conductor. He is in control. I am happy for that.
Luke 12:25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you
Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
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