The Johnsons

The Johnsons
John + Kavitha

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cliff Hanger

I know I have left you hanging. Please bare with me as I wait for the right time & words to share the results.
Love to you all.


  1. I know you're not ready to share. and i have no idea how it all went and how you are feeling or what's happing in your life right now. I think I found you and your blog on HP(?) but I can't find you on there...and I havent then been on for awhile either... anyway, all this waffle to say, I'm thinking of you and I hope you're well and i am looking forward to when you're back on blogland a bit more xxx

  2. Hi sweetie! Yes, I'm still on HP my name is FaithfulKSarah. I will disclose on that site, so I hope you find me!!!
