The Johnsons

The Johnsons
John + Kavitha

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Puzzle

I want to share a story that I learned many years ago at church camp when I was 8 or 9 years old. I may not tell the story exactly, but I can convey the general idea.

A town was getting tormented by a storm and immediate evacuation was deemed necessary.   One man, however, decided that he would not leave his house, because he loved God and knew that God would protect and save him. 
As the flood waters grew and the storm gained power, some friends drove to the man's house and asked him if he would like to ride in their car to safety. 
The man said, "No thank you. I will stay here, my God will protect and save me, I have faith". His friends left and drove to safety.
A while later, the flood waters had covered the streets so that no car could pass. Some rescue workers came to the man's house by boat. "Come and get in our boat, we can take you to safety!"
"No thank you," said the man, "My Lord will save me, I have faith!" After many failed attempts to convince him, the rescue boat had to leave.
The man, climbed to the roof of his house to avoid the ever rising waters.  A helicopter flew over and dropped a rope with a soldier to rescue him. "Climb on, I will help you onto the chopper!"
"No thank you.  My God will save and protect me, I do not need to leave with you."
The helicopter flew away.
Not long after, the fierce storm conditions over took the man and killed him.
Once in heaven, he approached God and asked, "Why did you not save or protect me from the storm, Lord?"
"I tried to protect you, I sent a car, boat, and helicopter to save you, but you refused."

Yes, God can and does perform miracles, however not all answers to our prayers come wrapped in a supernatural package.
People are so fast to come to the conclusions that they are just not getting answers, prayer is not working, maybe they feel God forgot them, isn't listening, or is mad at them.  God may be trying to reach you through everyday means.  Through people, places, or events that we take for granted as being "just a part of life". I don't believe that things are "just a part of life" I think things "take part in our lives".
(That is why I feel it is important to weed out negativity because it is not background noise, on some level it is "taking part in our lives".  -- that is a whole different topic, though.)
  I believe that not all prayers get an answer or response right away, and that God has his reasons for that. God has a far greater understanding of the whole picture than we do, so some things he chooses to wait on.  Others though, he is answering, however we aren't looking closely enough at the signs or messages.

Why have my prayers for a baby not been answered yet? I'm sure God could snap his fingers and send us a baby.  Is it because God is not listening, is to busy, is mad at me?  NO!  These ideas could not be farther from the truth.  God wants me to be happy, he wants it to come at the best time, so that we can reap God's best.  I believe it is also a test in faith that I am doing my best to pass.  Another reason is that John and I had really never been through anything major like this together.  This experience has revealed a lot about our communication styles, the way we handle pain, and it has strengthened us and brought us even closer. All good qualities for future parents. Through this process,  I found out that I need to alter my diet in order to prevent poor health when I am older due to an underlying medical issue I never knew I had.  If I had gotten pregnant easily, I would never have known and would have developed health problems that can easily be avoided through a modified diet now. Through this experience, I have come to realize that SO MANY women deal with this. People that I have known through out my life.  I have met amazing women through this, many whose advice and stories have helped me, and I only pray that I can help others.
Yes, I know "Polly Positivity" can be super annoying, but what if it is true and genuine?  Not pasting a smile on a sour situation, but truly what you believe?  It's not annoying then.  It's like a puzzle, as you put it together you reveal God' vision for you, what you may not be able to see in the midst of your despair.  It may takes weeks, years, a lifetime to gather pieces, we probably will not know the whole picture until we meet God face to face.
What a glorious wait when you know the best is yet to come.  Don't get me wrong, I am not always positive, especially when the tests come back negative. However, I strive to be.  I can see the lessons and their value and am excited for the reveal of the next piece of the puzzle.  Who knows, it may be the baby piece I have been waiting for.

God bless you!

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